Advantages of both circuit switched networks and TDM are given below:
Advantages of circuit switched network over packet switched network:
- Circuit switched network has the advantage of being physically connected and having a dedicated channel for communication between the sender and the receiver which also makes it more reliable. Packet switched networks do not have a dedicated channel hence, they are not that reliable.
- Circuit switched networks are used for voice calls because there is no timing jitter or delay in these types of networks while packet switched networks do not offer this advantage.
Advantages of TDM over FDM in a circuit switched network:
- TDM is time division multiplexing i.e. multiple information is sent in different time intervals but on the same frequency. While FDM sends information using different frequencies. So, the advantage of using TDM is that the information will be sent from the sender to the receiver using only a single frequency.
- Using TDM, bandwidth is saved because it only sends information on a single frequency unlike FDM.
- In TDM, there is low chance of interference between signals since they are sent in different time intervals from the sender to the receiver. While FDM has a higher chance of interference.
The ethernet address, a.k.a. mac address. That way, a DHCP server can give the same IP address to a returning client.
My opinion is the answers A and D. I would choose A if you can only choose one, though.
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