If Marlowe wishes to obtain written answers to questions from General Store's manager about the condition of the display case then the Deposition recovery process is appropriate.
A deposition is a pre-trial phase in a lawsuit in which both parties investigates about the case under the rule and regulations. They collect evidence supporting their claims by questioning other party and others by means of discovery devices like a request for the production of the necessary document and things.
A. France has a comparative advantage in olive oil production.
In all three areas ethnic minorities are trying to achieve some degree of autonomy or independence. In Quebec the movement is peaceful and political, and some people are now satisfied with protected language rights within the Canadian confederation while some still want independence for Quebec. In Xinjiang the Uighur minority wants independence from China; due to lack of political options the movement has used sporadic violence and terrorism to achieve its ends. Only in Chechnya has the independence movement spilled over into civil war with terrorism in other parts of Russia.
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