He will not perform well due to increased arousal.
Tyler managed the situation as best as he could. But, in reality, he could just accept the friend request to contact him. But doctors don't always want to get too close to their patients because if they do; if something happens to their patient, they won't be allowed to treat them as its 'too personal'.
If tyler accepted his request, he could be taken off of jayden's doctor.
If he ignored it, no crying and tears would have come from Jayden, he would just be a little hurt that Tyler ignored it.
The term is venture capital.
It is provided by banks or investors in return for equity in the emerging business that they
are assisting. It is an investment that
pays for itself after the seeding fund stage .
It also creates networks for the new business to further their growth.
<span>A blue planet through and through: Earth's largest water reservoir is found trapped 400 miles BENEATH the surface. The Earth's largest expanse of water isn't on the surface of the planet, but instead is buried deep within its mantle, researchers have found.</span>