The contract is likely to be voidable because it was formed
as a result of undue influence. Undue influence is being defined as an
individual’s way of influencing others by means of having them to induced them
rather than using their own free will or they are influenced without their full
attention that can lead to certain consequences.
The correct answer is C. Physiological needs
In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, there are five different levels. In the case of physiological needs, these are on the first level, this means, they are the most basic needs and if these are not met other needs will not be met. Physiological needs include food, water, shelter, and even clothes that are necessary for you as a living organism.
Seamus is having trouble meeting his physiological needs because due to lack of education and skill he can only earn a minimum wage and a result of this, he finds difficult to pay rent and bills which means shelter and utilities such as water or electricity are at risk and also he is not eating as he should so his need for food is not completely fulfilled.
People ( especially new parents.) instead of being consistent they only use punishment for things that originally they didn't pay attention to.
They could also use abusive words while punishing their child which is damaging and defeats the purpose of Discipline. Discipline isn't punishment. It's a word meaning To teach. Punishment just goes along with discipline if the child doesn't respond to the teaching.
DO NOT spank at the first offence the child commits. First, make sure they know what they did was wrong, second initiate a discussion on how it made you feel and what you expected of them. Forgive the first offence. Second offence, talk about how you told them last time and if they understood. Mild punishment ( time out, no TV whichever you wish.)
Third offence. Spanking. Ask them if they know what they did was wrong, find out and then deliver the punishment in a calm manner, not out of anger.
And don't say anything to them afterwards, leave them to have their cry and then come back after a bit and accept their apology and tell them you love them and that you want them to be happy and ask them if they're happy when they're good and obey you. They will see they can talk to you and that you're not unreasonable and that the punishments were not unexpected or out of anger.
99% of spankings are used because the parents are angry or because they don't know of any other solutions. I've seen good kids raised with spankings, and bad kids raised with spankings. Spankings is a Tool, the one using the tool is the one at fault for how they do it.
The economic principle that was most dominant was that of mercantilism. It was an economic theory where it was believed that in order to become the strongest nation, a country has to have production at highest possible levels, all so as to prevent others from exporting into the country that is producing.