baby boys
According to the various research on baby preference, it has been concluded that, people prefers BABY BOY around the world. This is shown in the fact that, in recent decades, about 21 countries have a skewed sex ratio favoring boys. Thus, the growth of gender imbalance in only recent decades points to widespread preference for BABY BOY around the globe.
Also, in the United States, according to the recent survey poll made by Gallup, it has been revealed that, people prefer BABY BOY generally, with 36% preference for Baby Boy in comparison with 28% to Baby girl.
You can share to much and give away what you need to others and end up with nothing to have for yourself.
more violent than in Nigeria.
Both Kenya and Nigeria did not possess one uniting body that gained the most support from the people to obtain power after the War for independence.
Because of this, power vacuum was created win both countries that lead to several violent battles between different groups who want to take the power.
But In Kenya, there was one particular group that stood up because of the use of violent methods to compete for the power. It's called the Mau Mau. The Mau Mau did not hesitate to kill Kenyan citizens who refused to join their ranks and killed ten of thousands civilians in the process.