The minimum qualification for men of the scholar gentry
class in Song Ming China is that the men should pass the lowest official degree
which is named as the shengyuan. As this is considered to be a qualification
for men who are to join.
It didn't allow them to settle on land west of the Appalachian mountains.
there are a few definitions of Bill
1. an amount of money owed for goods supplied or services rendered, set out in a printed or written statement of charges. (money)
2. a draft of a proposed law presented to parliament for discussion. (government)
It should play a role of a leader for a peaceful and smooth relationship between the whole globe.
*According to me
Answer: After the unification of the Arab tribes, Islam expanded in all directions. Within a few decades, it occupied an area of land only comparable to the Roman Empire in its heyday. It would soon assume the role of commercial liaison between economically important areas of the world then: in Europe, Africa and Asia. The military progress achieved by the Muslims allowed them to isolate Europe, blocking trade especially through control of the Mediterranean Sea. For many historians, this has accentuated a trend that had existed since the 5th century, focused on agrarian life, and which would lead Europe to feudalism.
The Islam changed because of these encounters, with technology, some traditions and religions were swept away or changed.