Coronary artery.....are the arteries that provide blood to the wall of heart !
Answer: c. The myosin would not be able to let go of the actin
Muscles consists of two proteins called actin and myosin and responsible for muscle contraction.
Myosin is ATP dependant and when ATP binds to it, it is able to release the actin.
This will allow the actin and myosin to seperate from each other thus leading to muscle contraction
It is d. If it was adaptation, the organism would have stayed in order to adapt. The species moved in order to not go extinct. It can not be speciation, because a new species was not made. It is stimulus. It experienced too much heat, so it left.
<span>Persentase oksigen di udara di dua mil (3,2 km.) Pada dasarnya sama dengan di permukaan laut (21%). Namun, tekanan udara adalah 30% lebih rendah pada ketinggian yang lebih tinggi karena fakta bahwa atmosfer kurang padat - yaitu, molekul udara yang jauh apart.When kita menghirup udara di permukaan laut, tekanan atmosfer sekitar 14,7 pounds per square inch (1,04 kg. per cm.2)
(i speak indoinision to)