The integumentary system, the skin, protects the internal organs from harmful bacteria, sunlight, and injury. The skin is the largest organ of the body and consists of two layers: the epidermis and the dermis. The epidermis is the outer layer. It is made up of dead cells and new cells which make the body waterproof, give color to the skin, and help maintain the body's hydration levels.
I think that drugs and their affects would be interesting to learn about, because its a big issue in our world today, and it's good to learn about these things (such as drugs/alcohol)
Was there mulitple choice? Watch their chest or abdomen rising, or using their wrists to check their breaths per minute.
When i was little, when id go to the doctor, they'd always explain to me how to wash my hands properly. Start by turning on loop warm water then proceed with putting soap in your hands. Rub around all corners of your hands. Get in between your fingers and try to get under your nails.
The first step would be to turn on the water, IF your going step by step.
Have a great day!