We learn through our sensory experiences.
Aristotle was a famous Greek philosopher who made contribution to nearly every aspect of life from psychology to biology and from ethics to aesthetics.
He laid the foundation for scientific approach to questions relating psychological concepts by stating that we learn many scientific concepts and phenomenon by sensory touch and learning from our senses.
We learn the many of the scientific approach by our sensory experiences.
Ten thousand is 10 000, which means that our number will have 4 zeros at the end.
so is i
270 000
well, the question is: is the number that the first 0 replaced 5 or higher? yes, yes it is, it is "6"
so we have to make the first not-replaced number bigger by 1:
the correct answer is 280 000
discuss the case with the defendant
The jury begins deliberations after the final addresses at the court in the trials. <u>The members of the jury discuss their case and decide upon the argument and verdict. </u>
During the trials, the jury can’t talk with anyone or make requests. But during the deliberations, members of the jury are supposed to talk to one another in order to make an agreed verdict. They can ask the judge about additional evidence. <u>However, they cannot discuss the case with the defendant. </u>
Dr. Prima is most likely an C. industrial-organizational psychologist.
An industrial-organizational psychologist's main study focus is the <em>organizational and working environment.</em> Dr. Prima is hired to assess job satisfaction and worker productivity, which are terms found in the organizational environment.
Dr. Prima is neither <em>cognitive or clinical </em>since those branches of Psychology focus on the individual's mental state and a social psychologist focuses on <em>society and social patterns. </em>