My teacher once said that there are two ways to live forever. One: to have children. And two: to write a book. Books are a beautiful thing often overlooked. As your quote said, "[Books] stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us." It's not necessarily the book that's being spoken about - it's the author. The author is the one who has written this compilation of ideas and information onto their pages. Books are where we've gotten our knowledge of centuries ago, of thousands of miles away. There is no other way that we could have gotten the knowledge of the past than through books.
Sure in Parliament agreed and passed a series of act in 1767 that would change of course of history the British government for help rather than change their price to complete with the Dutch Smugglers the company and the British government for help
should is the answer have a great day
The answer is B. the author could be found as a traitor because of the nature of the content. Political pamphlets often dealt with issues and topics that went against the current government. As such, anyone who disagrees and possibly incites rebellion would be viewed as a traitor and therefore would publish anonymously to keep their head.