<span>Crawler-based search engines are what most of us are familiar with - mainly because that's what Google and Bing are. These companies develop their own software that enables them to build and maintain searchable databases of web pages (the engine), and to organise those pages into the most valuable and pertinent way to the user.</span>
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is based on information-theory and is also one of the most widely used dimensionality reduction techniques.
A Caesar Cipher is a basic encryption type.
Its implementation is very easy and straightforward. It uses a one-to-one of characters in a character set. The input needed is the plain-text message and the encryption number.
For example, using the character set A-Z, encrypting the text CS IS COOL using the key of 3 generates FV LV FRRO. What has been done here is to take each character in the plain-text message and move it by "encryption number steps" in the character set.
To accomplish this without using a loop,
we can use math on a string.
print("apple" * 8)
In this example,
the multiplication by 8 actually creates 8 copies of the string.
So that's the type of logic we want to apply to our problem.
<span>def powersOfTwo(number):
if number >= 0:
return print("*" * 2**number)
Hmm I can't make indentations in this box,
so it's doesn't format correctly.
Hopefully you get the idea though.
We're taking the string containing an asterisk and copying it 2^(number) times.
Beyond that you will need to call the function below.
Test it with some different values.
powersOfTwo(4) should print 2^4 asterisks: ****************</span></span>