The 1876 Democratic National Convention nominated Governor Tilden of New York on the second ballot. The results of the election remain among the most disputed ever. ... The Compromise in effect ceded power in the Southern states to the Democratic Redeemers, who proceeded to disenfranchise black voters thereafter.
The Tainos do not exist anymore and the Tainos were uncivilized compared to Europeans
i think the following answers are: Korea is still divided between a communist north and a democratic south
South Korea has become more prosperous because they have had trade and foreign aid from the United States and other countries.
Protest during the World War II Era. The 1940s marked a major change in Georgia's civil rights struggle. The New Deal and World War II precipitated major economic changes in the state, hastening urbanization, industrialization, and the decline of the power of the planter elite.
There could be outbreaks of guerilla warfare and then there was the reparations