A tropical depression is a tropical cyclone that has maximum sustained surface winds (one-minute average) of 38 mph (33 knots) or less. A tropical storm is a tropical cyclone that has maximum sustained surface winds ranging from 39-73 mph (34 to 63 knots).
A. Support for the facts, such as quotes from experts, statistics, photographic proof.
<u>Evidence is proof that tries to confirm that something is true. </u>It is presented as the support for the statement, fact, or belief. It should be something that gives either physical evidence or scientific, like previous academic proofs of something. Depending on the evidence itself, it can be strong and believable, or weak and dubious.
<u>In writing and academic research, evidence can be presented in various forms – previous research, photographs, graphics, historic events, proofs from interviews and questionnaires, etc.</u>
old fashion prejudice was different from today because back then every thing was one way and they did not like change. And these days prejudice is caused because people think that other people are not "cool" enough to hang out with them. So in the olden days it was because of race, these days its because people are rude and need Jesus.
Question Options:
a. Authority compliance leadership
b. Team leadership
c. Country club leadership
d. Middle-of-the road leadership
e. Impoverished leadership
Answer: This is an example of MIDDLE OF THE ROAD LEADERSHIP.
Middle of the road leadership style involves a balanced concern for production and people.
This style is also known as the status quo. The managerial grid model is a style leadership model developed by Robert R. Blake and Jane Mouton in 1964.
Managers who use this style hope to achieve suitable performance but often neither production or people needs are met.