<em>"Historically, it has been proven that the wright brothers spent all their money on building and testing their airplane. Although it was a genius idea, their attempt wasn't very successful. The Wright Brothers then lost all their wealth, and could not afford to buy paint..."</em>
Quoted from "Hogwash History"
<h3>Elimination of social inequality was an important legacy of the Social Gospel Movement.</h3>
The Social Gospel Movement took place between 1870 to 1920. It was a religious social reformation movement that attempted to bring social equality through Christian ethics.
In the late 19th century, the Protestants could no longer tolerate the existing poverty and the low quality of life.The Social Gospel Movement, therefore, provided a platform for action to address these problems.It became prominent during the early 20th century.
The movement aimed to eradicate social problems such as inequality, poverty, crime, alcoholism, racial atrocity, etc. The members of the movement also sought to use Christian prayers to eliminate social evils. They believed that enhancing the lives of the people would ultimately improve the quality of their moral lives.
While epidemic disease was a leading factor of the population decline of the American indigenous peoples after 1492, there were other contributing factors, all of them related to European contact and colonization. One of these factors was warfare.
De-individuation is the concept of social psychology. It is generally called the loss of general awareness. in a group of people. This is also called the matter of resistance. Many of the social psychologists have studied the concepts if de-individuation but in a different manner.
But on the other hand, the social psychologist is based on the context of the social situation. The social psychologist focused on the internal process of the psychological well being. The sociology focused on the context of the economic, political and social factors.
water pollution
I think that makes industrial revolution