This is mainly because the wall's constuction resulted in many on-site deaths, and I believe also hard working conditions.
Neuroscience of music about Indonesian music: there are two main scales in Java are slendro and pelog. Slendro is a five-tone scale that very roughly approaches equal-size intervals. The intervals vary within a given scale and across orchestras, but the underlying tuning concept can be considered as a rough five-tone equal temperament (5ET).The musical goal of this selection to express social protest against corruption is to incorporate sléndro/pélog scales to the tones of the melody used as chords changing
Answer: Symbolic Function
Explanation: Symbolic Function can be simply defined as the mental ability to recall or remember objects which are not present i.e not within sight. In piaget's theory, the symbolic Function is a subset of the second stage of cognitive development, at this stage children easily remember and represent pictures of object in their minds when the object is taken away from them or can't be sighted.
Miranda's ability to recall the object she saw earlier best illustrates that she is demonstrating symbolic Function.
Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Aztec Empire in the southern part of the Valley of Mexico in the 15th and early 16th centuries. The Aztecs founded Tenochtitlan in 1325 on the island of Lake Texcoco, which was expanded as the city's population grew. Roads led to the city from the mainland, and there were bridges between the islands.
Tenochtitlan covered an area of 8 to 13.5 km². The city had a maximum population of 300,000 to 500,000, more than any European city at the time.
The oldest buildings in Tenochtitlan were in the center. There were several palaces in the city. The largest of these was the palace of the ruler, which was four hectares in size. In addition to the ruler's residence, the palace had administrative premises, food and clothing stores, prisons, and halls, courtyards, and gardens. The sacred buildings were separated from the rest of the city by a wall. From the holy district, the main streets started in every direction, and they divided the city into four parts. The main streets were straight and wide. There were large market markets in the city center, where food and jewelery, for example, were sold. Two aqueducts came to the city, bringing water from miles away, and the problems caused by the floods were reduced by a 15-kilometer dam.