Inattentional <em>blindness</em> refers to the failure to notice something that is completely visible due to a lack of attention.
Everyone has a right to be fed and have a good education, and have a roof over their head.
it's government should have limited power
Wahhabism is official in Saudi Arabia, being completely subsidized by the Saudi regime with oil income; and it is influential in Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates; it has a substantial following in Yemen.
In recent years Rapid urbanization in Jakarta has led to overcrowding and water shortages.
The promise of jobs and prosperity among other factors, pulls people to cities. In Jakarta, strong and sustained growth have resulted in a vast increase in the urbanized area. Rapid growth and urbanization have given rise to large scale infrastructure problems experienced regularly by the public. Further, this has made it more susceptible to impact of climate change. The greatest climate and disaster related risk facing Jakarta is flooding, which imposes heavy cost on human lives and economy,
The Government has started acknowledging the problems and has started taking actions, but much remains to be done in mainstream climate change. The Urban poor have important roles to play in addressing Jakarta's vulnerability to climate change.
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