while the men were at war, women and people of color took over the "manly" jobs. the government saw that the women were capable of doing hard work and not just being teachers/stay at home moms. the women and minorities started getting a bit of recognition. definitely not as much recognition they deserved, and they still weren't treated well, but they were still able to be nurses, pilots, etc and work in factories/the labor field.
El país moderno comenzó entre los siglos XV y XVI. Este período fue cuando los reyes usaron la crisis del feudalismo para recuperar su poder. El país moderno es una forma de monopolización del poder coercitivo en su territorio. Es una institución política que tiene el poder de hacer leyes.
The modern country started between the XV and XVI centuries. This period was when the kings used the feudalism crisis to get back their power. The modern country is a way of monopolization the coercive power on its territory. It is a political institution that has the power of making laws.
Southern Democrats regain power due to the south and the state governments were conquered by the Republicans. Southern Democrats are generally pushed for the granting of political human rights to the anew unregulated slaves as the key to become a full citizen. It was then there an active revolt and uprising happened.
A changing climate forced people to migrate from cold northern locations to more temperate regions.