integer currentPrice
integer lastMonthPrice
integer changeLastMonth
float mortagage
//Reading input
currentPrice = Get next input
lastMonthPrice = Get next input
//Calculating price change
changeLastMonth = currentPrice - lastMonthPrice
//Calculating mortagage
mortagage = (currentPrice * 0.045) / 12
//Printing output
Put "This house is $" to output
Put currentPrice to output
Put "\nThe change is $" to output
Put changeLastMonth to output
Put " since last month." to output
Put "\nThe estimated monthly mortgage is $" to output
Put mortagage to output
Cultural impact generally refers to resistance to change in DBMS.It msu be assessed carefully. The Database management system is likely to have effect on functions,people and interactions.For example:- New roles might be given to already existing persons,new people might be hired.