A good book <em>to read</em> is Great Expectations.
“to read” is an infinitive verb in the above sentence. It is used as an adjectival infinitive describing a noun <em>book</em>.
Infinitive verb is basically a verb with <em>'to'</em> in front of it. It is a type of verbal (a word form from a verb but functioning differently).
There are three main types of infinitives
1) Adjectival Infinitive: It always follows the noun it is describing.
Examples: A good book to read. A nice way to say something.
2) Adverbial Infinitive: It describes a verb and needs not be near the verb it is describing
Examples: To complete (adverbial infinitive) the task, he asked (verb) for my help. He worked (verb) day and night to make (adverbial infinitive) a living.
3) Nominal infinitive: It may act as
a) Subject: To be or not to be is the question.
b) Direct Object: He requested to leave.
c) Retained Object: He tried to help her.
Esperanza's character is shown to be a very curious, loving one in the beginning chapters.
She has had to face many challenges in this story, the first one being when Papa dies. Innocent of the power of death, Esperanza is hit with a wave of grief that sends her thinking about Papa even when she leaves Aguascalientes for California. When they get to the camp where they will be staying, Esperanza complains to Isabel, “My papa would never have wanted us to live in a place like this.” Even in a new place where nothing is familiar to her, she thinks of Papa for safety. When Mama gets sick, a new obstacle awaits Esperanza. Though she can cry all she wants, she instead chooses to become la patrona. In other words, she chooses to be strong instead of weak and try to support the family by getting a job.
A medium shot, also called a mid-shot or waist shot, is a type of camera shot in film and television that shows an actor approximately from the waist up. A medium shot is used to emphasize both the actor and their surroundings by giving them an equal presence on screen