The first land plants appeared around 470 million years ago, during the Ordovician period, when life was diversifying rapidly. They were non-vascular plants, like mosses and liverworts, that didn't have deep roots
Immature seed cones of conifers are usually green before pollination, and flowers of grasses are inconspicuously colored. What does this indicate about their pollination? they are wind pollinated.
An autopsy includes an examination of all body systems as the suspected cause of death may be inaccurate. Everything should be analyzed in case there is a medical problem anywhere in the body that may have caused the death.
To know the full story of death you have to watch it all. Autopsy also called postmortem examination or autopsy is the dissection and examination of a cadaver and its organs and structures. An autopsy, or necropsy, has been the gold standard for discovering the cause of death and examining disease in this regard for centuries.
An autopsy may be performed to determine the cause of death observe the effects of the disease and determine the course and mechanism of the disease. The exact nature of a death can be difficult to prove how it happened. Visible evidence of how the death occurred is not always necessary and can be used as a diagnostic tool. No medical history is required.
Learn more about The Cause of death