The answer will be for you U
vocabulary 1
1. DNA sequences
2. Homologous structures.
3. Paleontologist
4. analogous structures
5. fossils
6. vestigial
7. Comparative embryology
8. Comparative anatomy
vocabulary 2
1. DNA sequences
2. Analogous structures
3. Comparative anatomy
4. Fossils
5. vestigial
6. homologous structures
7. Comparative embryology
8. structure
9. Scientists
1. Human and apes are evolutionarily closely related based on the analysis of their DNA sequences.
2. Wings of bats and birds serve the same function and are analogous structure.
3. Comparative anatomy is the study of the similarities and differences in structures in similar species.
4. Fossils demonstrate that during the evolution of the whale, the whale moved from land to the sea.
5. The human tailbone and appendix are vestigial organs.
6. The homologous structures are structures that are similar in related organisms because they were inherited from the common ancestor.
7. Comparative embryology is the study of similarities and differences in the embryo of different species.
8. The forelimb of all the mammals has basic bone structure.
9. Scientists who find and study fossils are called paleontologists.
Less than one light year.
The sun is approximately 93,000,000 miles away from the earth. A light year is 5,865,696,000,000 miles.
number two is answer is a
The correct answer would be - container 2 will have less salinity than container 1.
The given experiment can give an idea about how the temperature of surroundings can affect the salinity, volume, and density of the water that has the same amount of water and salt dissolved in it. The independent variable or the only variable that is different is their place that has a difference in the temperature. Container 1 is placed in a cool place while container 2 is placed in sunlight.
We know that the warmer the water it takes more space so, therefore, less density. Density and salinity both have a positive relationship so an increase in density increases the salinity and vice versa. Thus, here the salinity of container 2 would be low in comparison to container 1