Part A:
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Part B:
setting: background
similarity: both are supposed to represent a rose garden.
Difference: one is much more of a courtyard and the other looks much more like a shed.
characters: costume
similarity: very similar, all old fashioned. They have the main guy, a servant, a knight and a man named toby.
characters: body language and facial expressions
similarity: lord doesn't know how to smile. toby gets mad that the lord wants him to curtsy for him, the foolish night is happy to be included and the servant is quiet.
tone of voice
similarity: main guy is just some angry old guy with an angry, full of himself tone
similarities: The three side characters are sneaking up on the lord as he finds this letter.
differences: in one video the three impersonate statues while in the other they impersonate being flowers in a garden.
similarity: very well lit you can tell it is supposed to be day time during this scene
camera: focus and angles
difference: in one video the camera focuses more on the lord while the other video focuses on the three characters.
dialogue: word choice
similarity: old
difference: one is much easier to understand while the other has more difficult language
<u>dialogue: emphasis</u>
similarity: was on the note and three characters.
Part C:
It is obvious to see that these videos are recorded in different times and by different actors, however both are very done. The first video seems as though it was done many years ago. the 2nd might show a modern version in someone's backyard and with a much poorer production.
The plays are very similar to each other, both have amazing actors who play the four characters, the attire is on point and the backgrounds are similar to the extent that you can catagorise the setting into being some sort of rose garden.
It is clear that the dialogue was different between the two. In the first video, the dialogue was much older and difficult to understand. The second video was more modernised to the point where the language was more simplified and easier to understand while still keeping that “shakespearean tone”.
In conclusion both videos did an amazing job sticking to the original play.