They are trying to find out <u>how many stones there are in the original arch.</u>
Once they've identified the stone, and its main features, they can address what kind of arch was being built there. After this general understanding, the students can predict how many stones were used to raise the arch, and how they were arranged on the structure. The prediction can be proved after all the original structure being totally understood.
Answer:The system of checks and balances is an important part of the Constitution. With checks and balances, each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others. Each branch “checks” the power of the other branches to make sure that the power is balanced between them.
The American Revolution was fought for the rights of individuals against government. By proclaiming the independence of the new united states, the founders of this country deduced that in the Declaration of Independence.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.”
I listen to a song about 8-10 times before u get tired of it. And these times would be on different days. But later on, after bejng tired of it, j still play back again to get the freshness.
For rereading a good book, it takes about 2 tines before I get tired of it. Because most of the info are already familiar to me and I don't find it interesting again
The maximum number of times I can watch a movie is twice. Because it won't be interesting and captivating as it should be.
Answer: Chill it.
Explanation: Because if it is 80 degrees out you're obviously not chilling it, it's probably cooking in that heat. I don't think this ties in with cleanliness because you clean it before you cook it and you aren't cooking it at the moment, therefore A and C are out. I don't know what it means by separate. If it means to separate the meat from other foods then you are also neglecting that but if it just means to separate the individual slices then that isn't applicable because you aren't cooking it yet.