Japan's isolation came to an end in 1853 when Commodore Matthew Perry of the United States Navy, commanding a squadron of two steam ships and two sailing vessels, sailed into Tokyo harbor. He sought to force Japan to end their isolation and open their ports to trade with U.S merchant ships
The more immigrants came to Texas the more diverse the culture became, and the Native Americans had less space because the immigrants had to build houses and we’re eating more food and killing more animals and plowing more land, which invaded the American Indians land and they got angry. They had to move out because their land was being destroyed and they were attacking the sellers so the government forced them out. But because so many immigrants were coming to Texas they had to change the way people live because sometimes they don’t want to follow the walls like people keeping slaves and going against the law, because they wanted t
Answer:The Constitution provides the President 10 days (excluding Sundays) to act on legislation or the legislation automatically becomes law. There are two types of vetoes: the “regular veto” and the “pocket veto.” The regular veto is a qualified negative veto.