Attenuation means a gradual reduction in the strength of a signal as it moves from station to station which may even cause the receiving station to misinterpret the signal. Any signal can be attenuated - digital or analog.
Attenuation is often caused by weakness, fatigue or passiveness of networking cables and connectors. It could also be caused by noise and long distance.
To get around this, the network device(s) will often resend signals multiple times over just to ensure that at least one of the signals gets there and is interpreted correctly.
c. Both a and b
In computing, processing information simply means performing a task. It means transforming data from one form to another.
In the real sense of it, it means, performing arithmetic or logical operations (by ALU) on binary data which could result in transmitting data from input devices to output devices. When a user launches the calculator application on his PC, and he tries to do some arithmetic (which is processed by the ALU) by entering numbers using his keyboard/mouse (input devices), he gets the result on the screen(output device). This scenario is a typical example of processing information.
<em>Hope this helps!</em>
3 is true others are false
It is false because if the margins, the space on the side of a paper, gets bigger, that means there is more emptiness and less space for text.