Need not show any lights is true for a vessel of less than 20 meters in length at anchor at night in a "special anchorage area designated by the Secretary"
In the INTERNATIONAL— Lights and Shapes under RULE 30 named "Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground" there are several rules listed. For a vessel of fewer than 20 meters in distance, when at staff in a special anchorage zone assigned by the Secretary, shall not be expected to show the anchor lights and shapes needed by this Rule.
Suppose a vessel of fewer than 12 meters in the distance when grounded shall not be wanted to display the lights or shapes. When a vessel of fewer than 7 meters in length, when at staff, not in or near a restricted channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally travel, shall not be wanted to show the lights or shape.
According to the source, the answer to this question is magnification, overgeneralization, selective perception and all-or-nothing thinking. These thinking patterns are what leads to depressive episodes and maladaptive behavior.
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They would possibly not be able to do certain things anymore
The cephalohematoma puts the newbork in a risk factor, since bruises like these increases the risk for serum bilirubin elevation.
It only works when a dictator comes to power and convinces the people that only they will bring safety and prestige to the country.