The pitcher for the home team allows a lead-off double in the bottom half of the first inning of a Little League (Major) Division softball game. After returning to the pitcher's circle, the pitcher begins her wind-up to the next batter.
Whenever your vehicle slows down, it has to overcome, or dissipate, its kinetic energy.
Normally, you accomplish this through the brakes: your car's kinetic energy turns into heat energy from the friction of your brakes. That's why braking distance increases exponentially as speed increases—twice the speed means four times the braking distance.
Nevertheless, the answer is Choice B. Kinetic Energy
Answer:(social security)-Social security is the protection that a society provides to individuals and households to ensure access to health care and to guarantee income security, particularly in cases of old age, unemployment, sickness, invalidity, work injury, maternity or loss of a breadwinner. (personal savings)-he money that a person, rather than a business or organization, keeps in an account in a bank or similar financial organization: They introduced tax breaks which made many personal savings tax-free. (individual retirement account)-An individual retirement account (IRA) is a tax-advantaged investing tool that individuals use to earmark funds for retirement savings. There are several types of IRAs. Traditional IRAs. Roth IRAs. SEP IRAs (401k investments)-With a 401(k), you control how your money is invested. Most plans offer a spread of mutual funds composed of stocks, bonds, and money market investments. The most popular option tends to be target-date funds, a combination of stocks and bonds that gradually become more conservative as you reach retirement.
Some of the negative effects of Peter’s administration include the following: He increased the tax burden for the lower class The hefty taxes led to the widening gap between the different classes, which resulted in rising tensions between them.