The Factory Act improved the conditions of the industrial workers in England during the nineteenth century. This act regulated the working conditions of Industrial worker. It regulated the working hours and welfare of the women and children who worked in the cotton mills. It included sanitation, ventilation, number of working hours per day, as well as the safety around machinery. This act was ignored by the factory owners until 1833, A professional factory inspectorate was established in 1833. The factory inspectorate was responsible for making sure that the industrialists and factory owners adhered to the Factory Act.
<span>Joe "King" Oliver
</span><span>Edward "Kid" Ory
</span><span>Louis Armstrong
</span><span>Bix Beiderbecke
</span><span>Jelly Roll Morton</span>
Contents. The Book of Acts clearly focuses on the beginnings of the church, and two people… The apostle Peter, and the one who actually possessed the courage to go to the farthest parts of the known world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, his name was Paul the Apostle. The Gospel spread from Israel, northward to Antioch, and then westward to Asia Minor, Greece, and finally Rome, the heart of the Roman Empire.
The first 12 chapters of the book of Acts deal with Peter, and the remainder of the book, the last 16 chapters is devoted to the apostle Paul.
The major areas of history with which the author has dealt are :
1) The establishment and progress of the church at Jerusalem until the dispersion which arose at the time of Stephen's death (Acts 1-7);
2) The preaching of the gospel to the surrounding area, including its introduction to the Gentiles (Acts 8-12) ;
3) The preaching tours of Paul and the struggle to define the church's position with regard to the law of Moses (Acts 13:1-21:16); and
4) Paul's imprisonment, which began in Jerusalem and was concluded in Rome (Acts 21:17-28 :30).
A. unable to both be true at the same time.
A. one that inspires fear , panic or horror
A. oil production.
D. arabian sea , red sea , and caspian sea.