Corn and rice , beans and corn ,beans and rice
How does a soliloquy differ from an aside? ... During a soliloquy, only the character making the speech is present onstage, while during an aside, others characters may be present onstage. A soliloquy is the opening scene of a play, while an aside is the closing scene of the play
Past Participle: Jaffa has run in more than a dozen marathons.
The past participle of the verb "run" is "run."
Dear Santa Clause,
This year I will be leaving oatmeal raisin cookies for you because they are delicious and you are fat. I'm not sorry to be so blunt. All I want for Christmas is your health and an Xbox one.
love your most behaved fan.
He is the one doing the action. If ran was underlined, then it would be verb. But it is He, not ran.