Location. Starting salaries may vary widely for the same position in different locations. ...Industry. Industry, or type of employer, strongly affects starting salaries. ...Demand. The market demand for a profession affects all salaries, including those for entry-level positions. ...Experience and Education
I get my news from The TV and online. My grandparents get it from TV and the newspaper. I think it matters where you seek out informations because different sources have a bigger risk of spreading false information
That statement is true
the <span>“full faith and credit clause" is based on the assumption that the licenses are issued by following a specific standard that's adopted by all the states nation-wide. So, if a person obtain the driver liscense on new york, the license will show a same credibility if it used on other states beside new york</span>
The south he won every state in the south
The correct timeline is
B. Two
1. European trading posts- slave trade 264 – 146 BC
2. Arab traders bring Islam to North Africa 711 CE
3. European colonies established by Berlin Conference. 1884 CE
4. Scramble for Africa 1884 CE
5. African nations gain independence. 1960 CE