Besides silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods. They imported, or bought, goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver.
I would say grasping objects after my research
Sigmund Freud’s Theory of Personality
The Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud first described personality development as a series of stages. Of these stages, Freud believed that early childhood was the most important. He believed that personality developed by about the age of five.
Freud’s theory of personality development is described in more detail on pages 268-–273 of Chapter 13, “Personality.”
Parents divorce for many reasons. Usually divorce happens when couples feel they can no longer live together due to fighting and anger, or when one isn't as loyal as the other, or because the love they had when they married has changed.