The structure of mitochondria contains the foldings in the inner side called "cristae" which increase the surface area of the mitochondria. The cristae are important to mitochondria as well as cell as cristae embody the ATP synthase enzymes which help in the formation of the ATP molecules.
Heart cells require more energy to pump the blood from the heart to the body so it needs a more mitochondrial number in the cells with more infoldings to synthesize more ATP.
Carbohydrates and lipids are similar in that they are both sources of energy but they are different in the amount of energy they produce.
Carbohydrate and lipids are similar in the sense that both of them are parts of foods consumed by humans and the two marcro molecules are good sources of energy for the body cells. The carbohydrate has to be broken down to glucose before it can be absorbed by the body cells. This is because glucose is the only energy source that the body cells can use. The lipid has to be converted to glucose through biochemical reactions such as gluconeogenesis before the cells can use it.
The basic difference between the two energy sources is that the amount of energy that they supply is quite different. Lipid contains more energy than carbohydrate; carbohydrate can only supply about one-quarter of the energy that lipid can supply.
A catalyst works by providing a convenient surface that
enables a different route for a chemical reaction to occur.
Xerophyte survival characteristics:
Thick cuticle.
Stomatal closure.
Reduction in # of stomata.
Stomata hidden in crypts or depressions in leaf surface (less exposure to wind and sun).
Reduction in size of transpiration surface (lower leaf only).
Increased water storage.
Xerophyte adaptations increase water intake, limit water loss, and store water efficiently. Water intake adaptations include deep or widespread roots, and high salt content to increase osmosis. Xerophytes have thick cuticles, lost or finely divided leaves, reduced stomata, and CAM photosynthesis
The ecosytsem has a very fine balance. Each species is dependant on one another for food and population control. Introducing a new species such as the Cane Toad which has been introduced into Australia and Flordia and are extrmely invasive completly wipping out populations of Native species and are a huge problem. If you lose a population such as the wolves in yellow stone species such as elk will actually suffer from starvation and other issues due to lack of food etc because the wolves were not there for population control. But in some cases such as the wolves who were added back into Yellow stone it had a huge positive impact on species/populations.