Answer: One H⁺ ion ie required in converting ATP and inorganic phosphate to ATP
Explanation:During oxidative phosphorylation, high energy electrons released by hydrogen carriers are shuttled through the electron transport chain. The released energy is used to translocate 3 H+ ions from the matrix, creating an proton motive force, which will cause 1 H+ ion to move down the electrochemical gradient and diffuse back into the matrix (chemiosmosis) which is facilitated by ATP synthase. As the H+ moves through the ATP synthase this triggers the molecular rotation of the enzyme, synthesizing ATP
Protein production in prokaryotes begins even before the completion of transcription. This means that ribosomes attach to the mRNA being generated even before transcription process is terminated. Therefore translation occurs in concurrence with transcription. This is because there is no definitive boundary between the nucleoid and cytoplasm.
In eukaryotic cells, the nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane. This means transcription has to complete before the translation of proteins occurs. This is because the ribosomes are located in the cytoplasm while the DNA is in the nucleus.
This difference is part of the reason prokaryotic cells are able to respond really fast to an environmental stimuli as compared to eukaryotes. Remember in addition mRNA in prokaryotes do not need splicing (as required in eukaryotes) adding to quick protein production.
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A cell is the smallest LIVING unit in a body. An atom is the smallest "nonliving" unit.
Letter B is the correct option
The correct answer is option A "Buenos Aires, Argentina, located near the Tropic of Capricorn"
Electromagnetic radiation transmitted by the sun. Sunlight based radiation can be caught and transformed into helpful types of energy, for example, warmth and power, utilizing an assortment of innovations. Notwithstanding, the specialized plausibility and practical activity of these advancements at a particular area relies upon the accessible sun oriented asset.
Each area on Earth gets daylight in any event part of the year.
The measure of sun based radiation that arrives at any one spot on the World's surface differs as indicated by:
Geographic area
Time of the day
Local landscape
Local weather
The turn of the Earth is likewise liable for hourly varieties in daylight. In the early morning and late evening, the sun is low in the sky. Its beams travel further through the environment than around early afternoon, when the sun is at its most noteworthy point. On a sunny morning, the best measure of sun based energy arrives at a sunlight based gatherer around sun oriented early afternoon.