Answer: The effect of English primogeniture was to keep estates undivided wherever possible and to disinherit real property from female relations unless only daughters survived in which case the estate thus normally results in division.
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He brought French culture to England, he changed the official language of England to French, He ordered a detailed survey of land ownership
"Our greatest glory is not never falling, by in rising every time we fall" is referring to resilience and being able to "rise" to the occasion despite having set backs and challenges or "every time we fall". Challenges and set backs can help shape us which is why learning from them is "Our greatest glory".
Ans: It redrew the world map and reshaped many borders in Europe. The collapse of the Russian Empire created Poland, the Baltics, and Finland. The Austro-Hungarian Empire dissolved into Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia. The German Empire became Germany, and Germany lost substantial territory outside Europe.