Ancient Oceanic religion was based on polytheism and animism. People believed both the spiritual and natural worlds; and expressed their beliefs with ceremonies, which usually have community manifestation, who got together to drum, dance and mourn (when a funeral was necessary). Some traditions also believed that spirits inhabited objects, animals, places or natural phenomena ( animism).
The correct answer is law and society studies, while in other countries it is known as socio-legal studies.
In the U.S., the study of the law is known as law and society studies, while in Europe, the study of the law is known as socio-legal studies. The Law is a body of regulations, which is created and maintained by social or governmental bodies to maintain behavior in the system or countries.
The source was the land that they owned that they could control the peasants in their feudal system.
The US is a federal government.
The federal system divides the government to the federal governments and smaller governments (the state & local governments for the United States). It is also a indirect democracy in how it goes about passing laws, electing officials to do the bidding of the people.