<em>it is in pounds that way to = 6613.8</em>
6613.8 is what i have figured.
A chemical bond occurs as a result of electrostatic interaction between the nuclei and the electrons of the joining atoms. ... Simultaneously, a repulsion arises between the two positively charged nuclei and the same occurs with the electrons of the two negatively charged atoms.
p o n l o e n e l t r a d u c t o r
Transport vesicles, containing partially processed proteins, fuse with the folds of the <u>Golgi apparatus (cisternae)</u> on the cis face and bud from the cisternae on the more distal side (trans face).
Some of the matrix proteins form long, filamentous tethers that are thought to help retain Golgi transport vesicles close to the organelle. When the cell prepares to divide, mitotic protein kinases phosphorylate the Golgi matrix proteins, causing the Golgi apparatus to fragment and disperse throughout the cytosol.
This is a medication that can be bough without prescription. These is primariy used in allergies such as runny nse, watery eyes and itching. This can also give side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness and confusion. This can also affect on how the body process chemicals making them especially risky in combination with other drugs. This can have interactions with other drug that even a non lethal dose can cause life threatening condition.