Dawn earns $9.75 per hour while Amy earns $10 per hour.
This information is important in comparing who is actually earning more than the other. Amy is earning<em> $0.25 more than Dawn is earning.</em> Thus, working for an<em> extra 2 hours than Dawn </em>made her earn<em><u> </u></em><em><u>$22.5</u></em><em><u> more than Dawn earned in a week.</u></em>
Step-by-step explanation:
You can get the <em>hourly work rate </em>of Dawn and Amy by <u>dividing their </u><em><u>total earnings</u></em><u> to the</u><em><u> number of hours they worked</u></em><u>.</u>
- Dawn = $97.50 ÷ 10 = $9.75
- Amy = $120 ÷ 12 = $10
You can get the <u><em>difference in hourly rate</em></u> by subtracting Dawn's earning from Amy's earning.
You can also get the<u><em> difference in their weekly earnings</em></u> by subtracting Dawn's total weekly earning from Amy's total weekly earning.