Have you ever thought about abortion? Abortion is the most inhumane and despicable act a woman can commit against the unborn. Why? You may ask, a woman has the right to do what she wishes to do with her own body. However, this reasoning is selfish and downright deceptive. Let me explain why, the fertilization takes place within one day after having the sexual encounter, but can occur a few days later. Genetic info such as gender, hair, eye color and facial features are already established. Therefore, this tiny part of the woman is already established and can be considered a living being that is forming within her. In the first trimester, which is the first 4 weeks the vital organs form and signs of the brain and spine are noticeable and in the 5th week the heart begins to beat and circulate blood. The brain, spinal cord and nervous system are already put in place. So, from the time the woman has intercourse till 5 weeks later the tiny being inside her begins to develop and form. The most interesting aspect is the heart beat after the 5 weeks; does the unborn that has a heartbeat not deserve to live? Since 1973 U.S Supreme Court in Roe vs. Wade, there are have been more than 62 million abortions in the U.S. A quote from mother Teresa states: “If we can accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill one another? … Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want”.
Now, what about the claim that a woman has a right to her own body? It’s false. Women do not own their own bodies; their bodies belong to their spouses and children. If they have no spouse and discover that they are pregnant then their bodies now belong to the little being within them. A woman cannot and has not the right to control her own body. Even if she were to be promiscuous she has to take steps to prevent becoming pregnant in the first place. She must take care of herself and respect her own body. How? She must use pills to not get pregnant and order her multiple lovers to use condoms so she won’t get pregnant.
Based on the magazine entitled: “Abortion” by the Bible and Tract Society states: “Women who have an abortion do so for various reasons, including economic hardship, relationship problems, the desire for freedom to pursue further education or a career, or not wanting to be a single mother. Others, however, view abortion as morally wrong—a violation of the trust that has been placed upon a pregnant woman.” And, it adds: “In God’s eyes, life—especially human life—is sacred. (Genesis 9:6; Psalm 36:9) This principle applies to a baby growing in the womb, a place designed by God to be a safe haven for a developing child. “You kept me screened off in my mother’s womb,” said a Bible writer. He added: “Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book regarding the days when they were formed.”—Psalm 139:13, 16. God’s view of the life of an unborn child is also reflected in his Law to the nation of Israel and in our God-given conscience. God’s Law stated that a person who assaulted a pregnant woman and killed her unborn child was subject to the death penalty—the killer paying with his own life for the life he took. (Exodus 21:22, 23) Of course, the judges had to take into account motives and circumstances.—Numbers 35:22-24, 31. Humans are also endowed with a conscience. When a woman heeds her conscience, or inner voice, by respecting the life of her unborn child, her conscience rewards her.* If she violates her conscience, it may trouble her or even condemn her. (Romans 2:14, 15) Indeed, studies indicate that women who have an abortion also have an increased risk of anxiety and depression.”
Those who come from religious backgrounds can see abortion as a bad thing. And, it is. The Bible was wise to advise that the person who knocked down a pregnant woman and provoked the death of the baby to be punished. Not, only are you murdering the life that is developing within you, but also putting your health and safety at risk. There are many risks to abortion including infection, hemorrhaging and uterus perforation. Also, women who have aborted have had a higher increase of developing breast cancer, ectopic tubal pregnancy etc.
What can we do to prevent abortion? Firstly, educate youths on the matter so they will use protection. Secondly, let ourselves become educated with abortion, know that it’s a problem and know what steps to take to try to end it. Thirdly, become active on the matter by associating with an active group of activist trying to change the system. Fourth, let people know of the issue; the more people know of this the better. Sure, through the use of social media there will be a majority of hate comments, but at least your conscious is clear that you are doing the correct thing in educating people. Also, support adoption so children can be helped and have loving homes.