The answer to this would be reactants.
In marine environment, many animals confuse the plastic littering the oceans for food including sea turtles. Once in these animal bodies the plastic accumulates, and the chemicals can cause excess estrogen to be produced, which has led to discoveries of male fish with female sex organs. For sea turtles, the plastic blocks their digestive tract and the food that is trapped releases gases that render them buoyant, and unable to dive for food. The turtle was slowly starving because a single use plastic bag, which she had eaten, was blocking her digestive tract.
The plastic contains destructible and harmful agents that is not good for human and animals health.
Viscosity is a property of liquid that has resistance between liquid molecules. Those liquids having strong force of attraction between their particles has a viscosity whereas those liquid substances have weak intermolecular force of attraction between the particles has low viscosity. For example, water has low viscosity as compared to honey.
Surface area
The surface area to the volume ratio gets larger as the cell gets smaller and vice versa.
It is false bc the mass of moon is less than 1/2 of earth, and earth is tinier than ANY STAR