The correct answer is - divergent.
A divergent plate boundary is plate boundary that is form by the sepration of the two distinct tectonic plates away from one another and result in the forming the ranges known as oceanic spreading ridges.
This type of plate boundary occurs due to the earthquack or volcanic erruption of from the mantle to surface of the earth. This magma or rises and forms oceanic crust by the solidifying of the moleten rocks.
Answer: The Andromeda galaxy
And that's going to happen someday! The Andromeda galaxy is currently racing toward our Milky Way at a speed of about 70 miles (110 km) per second. Ultimately, the two galaxies will collide and merge.
Cells can die because they are damaged, but most cells die by killing themselves. Some cell death processes leave no trace of the dead cell, whereas others activate the immune system with substances from the dead cell.
If she is O+ then others of O+ and O- can donate to her. If she is O- then only those with O- can give blood to her.