The media doesn't really report court procedures, only the really super big ones. So not A.
The media doesn't make contributions, the people watching do. So not B.
The media doesn't actually investigate anything, it just reports on other people's findings, so not C.
The media does broadcast campaign adverts and other information about campaigns and current political and government affairs.
Try and delete it this time, I provided an explanation, so you can't bogus delete it again. Don't delete answers to your questions, its stupid and rude. This question was answered twice and we had a full on conversation in the comments.
Because people don't actually know what she was like, and there were several different points of view.
No one can really see into the past. We take what evidence we have and use it to the best of our knowledge. There are several points of view because of the fact that we are human and our perception changes depending on what we look at.
A malignant epithelial cell tumor that begins as a slightly elevated nodule with a depression or ulceration in the center that becomes more obvious as the tumor grows is known as a basal cell carcinoma.
Skin cancer of the basal cell carcinoma variety exists. Basal cells, a type of skin cell that creates new skin cells as old ones degenerate, are where basal cell cancer starts. Although it can take numerous forms, basal cell carcinoma frequently manifests as a small, slightly translucent lump on the skin. The skin on your head and neck, which is exposed to the sun, is where basal cell carcinoma most frequently develops. Long-term sun exposure is regarded to be the primary cause of the majority of basal cell carcinomas. Utilizing sunscreen and avoiding the sun's rays may help prevent basal cell cancer.
Learn more about basal cell carcinoma here:
Los autores de “Constructores de Otredad” explican que, así como la Antropología, al igual que toda ciencia, es una construcción, su definición de la “otredad cultural” es un modelo de la otredad que surge como objeto de estudio sin fundamento en un hecho empírico real, sino un constructo determinado por el contexto científico e histórico.
El evolucionismo construyó su objeto de estudio asumiendo que existe una diferenciación real entre el “otro” (como las culturas consideradas primitivas) y el “nosotros”.
Esta visión etnocentrista de la diversidad cultural fue el fundamento de atrociades tales como la conquista de América por parte de los colonos europeos que diezmaron e impusieron su propia cultura a los pueblos aborígenes americanos por considerarlos un “otro” inferior y primitivo.
Based on the given options, the best that describes Sarah's degree of acceptance for Jessica is option "d" active exclusion.
Social exclusion is described as a series of activities that lead to a progressive social rupture. In this case, Sarah is avoiding Jessica in social meetings. Sarah is practicing active exclusion.