This is the answer hope it helps, have a good day
Leukopenia means a low count of white blood cells in the body. When there is a low white blood cell count in the body, and in particular a low level of neutrophils (a kind of white blood cell that fights infection), there is quite a significant risk of developing an infection, and once an infection is developed and the white blood cell count is low, the body will not be able to protect itself and fight off the infection. In severe cases , infection may lead to death.
The non living things in its environment is called a " matrix,"
A matrix is what supports a non living thing to reproduce, triple its existence & reproduce in mass quantities, like soil bacteria, and others..
Novobiocin target DNA GYRASE of gram positive bacteria.
Novobiocin is a bacteriostatic(slow down bacteria growth) or bactericidal i.e it kills bacteria , narrow spectrum antibiotics that target DNA GYRASE of gram positive bacteria. It acts by inhibiting the bacteria DNA gyrase hydrolysis thereby by interfering with the metabolic activities of bacteria. It is also a weak catalytic inhibitor of mammalian. Novobiocin inhibit DNA gyrase and topoIV by binding to the ATP pocket of GyrB and ParE, respectively.The Streptomyces strain that produces Novobiocin and it is more effective on gram positive bacteria that gram negative bacteria because gram negative bacteria are resistant to it.
Water. Plant cells have a large central vacuole that tends to store a great deal of water