An application interface or user interface ,is the set of features an application provides so that user may supply input to and recieve output from,the program.
3. WiFi Protected Access 2
Given that Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 often referred to as WAP 2 is a form of computer security or privacy measure to ensure that Wireless networks are furnished with powerful security of data network access control.
Hence, when a user employed or utilize WPA2. It gives such a user a high degree of maximum certainty of controlling the users that can have access to his wireless network.
Hence, in this case, what is put in place to stop such activity is Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
Computer checkup/maintenance. You forgot to mention windows updates, it is critical to perform that action as well cause of the recent ransomeware malware that is going around lately and Microsoft and other OS vendors yes even Apple have released patches to prevent it spreading even further.