I have 3 answers for this
Five to eight second.
The living organisms are made of the chemical. The hormone, receptors and any information that travels in the body are mainly depends on the chemical substances present in the body.
Chemical substance needs to be travel in the body whenever its require. The speed of the chemical substance depends upon its nature whether the substance is polar or non polar and at the site in which the substance is released. The chemical that travels from the lungs to the brain can travel maximum into 5 to 8 seconds.
Thus, the correct answer is option (a).
<em>c. the causation in fact, but not the proximate cause, of Ethel’s death.</em>
The law includes two forms of causation: <em>cause-in-fact, and cause-in-proximity (or legal). </em>
The "but for" check decides the cause-in-fact: However the outcome would not have happened without the action.
Both requirements should be met for such an action to be considered to cause harm; proximate cause is a legal restriction on cause-in-fact.
The real solution isn't banning them. People aren't the ones who dump them in to the oceans. Yet sometimes they do on beaches. The ones who dump them are corporate companies. We need to enforce laws saying that dumping is bad, and maybe a humongous fine like 10 billion, to scare away corporate dumpster companies away from the seaside
The date at which food/ product shouldn’t be used after the date given on the label