<span>Disposable razor blades were invented in 1901 by Gillette.
Gillette is a company based in the United States, founded by King C. Gillette in 1901. He was an American businessman who saw the need for disposable razor blades, which is why he is considered the pioneer in the business.
Sherlock rewards his older son for cleaning up the garage by giving him $5. Later he is amused when his younger daughter, Lily, comes up to him later and asks, "Daddy, can I clean the garage tomorrow?" Lily most likely learned about the benefits of cleaning the garage through vicarious conditioning.
Vicarious conditioning is is a term for learning by observing others in the social learning model. Here the younger daughter Lily observed the interaction between her father and brother. She learned that if she cleaned the garage she would earn money.
The correct answer is the quilt and the jar of fruit.
"Trifles", is a play that was written by Susan Glaspell and it was acted for the first time in 1916. In essence, "Trifles" talks about the enormous differences between men and women, and particularly, the way that each sex sees the other and acts. It narrates the occurrences at the Wright household, where Mr. Wright has been found murdered and his wife is suspected of it. As the county attorney, the sheriff, Mr. Hale, and the wives of Hale and the sheriff, inspect the site, the male band and the female band separate and the first one finds no conclusive evidence on the case, while the women find all they need to know that their colleague, Mrs. Wright, was indeed the murderer. What they also find, are the symbols of what Mrs. Wright´s life turned out to be as a housewife, compared to when she was single, and the two most promiment symbols that show the incarceration of women and the pressure put on them by society as housewives are the quilt and jar of fruit, which represent the expectations that society had of women as housekeepers and homebuilders.