A - only having one sex partner at a time.
No other answer comes close to being correct. Most modern-day societies are practicing monogamy as the main type of relationship between two people.
Providing personal customer service
Rudy provides his customers with very personalized service. His business model functions well because he has a sizeable amount of followers on his website. Rudy personally interacts with his customers, lets them knows his location and the menu for the day, and thanks them for their support. Since Rudy owns a food truck, he can move to different locations. By providing personalized customer service, Rudy is encouraging his followers to find where the food truck is located that day. This way, he gets the traffic of where the food truck is located that day, but he also has people that specifically go to that area for his food truck.
associative play.
Associative play: The term "associative play" is described as a phenomenon that includes the "social play development" through children or preschoolers. Associative play is considered as the very first stage in which a child interacts socially and is often considered as important in children's play because they've started engaging in mutual activities yet not demonstrate a common goal.
The most common age in which a child is engaged in associative play is three to four years of age.
expressive mudras, abhinaya, asanas characterize a good classical dancer.
Hope this helps!
Good luck