In the absence of an atmosphere, Earth’s surface temperature would be about –18°C, or 0°F, which is way too cold for life. Greenhouse gases have just the right molecular structure to absorb infrared radiation that the Earth emits. It re-emits most of that infrared energy in all directions, warming the atmosphere to its comfortable average temperature of 15°C (60°F). So the greenhouse effect is a good thing.
e. after the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine.
Partisan talk radio (radio that takes a clear side in a debate of ideology) only became common after the abolition of the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that argued that broadcasters needed to present information in a way that was "honest, equitable and balanced." The policy was eliminated in 1987.
because the face is beautiful so it can be likes
Answer: Scaffolding
Explanation: Scaffolding can be simply defined as an instructional method of teaching where an instructor guides his or her students through a step required to complete a task and as they become efficient, he or she begins to withdraw his influence or involement in the guidance process and only give assistance to them if they really need it.
Mr Reeese guided his students through a concept lesson before withdrawing his involement and gave them a challenging task, he monitored and constantly drop hints to help the new students connect prior learning to the new concept.
Mr Reeese was providing Scaffolding.
The answer is "operant conditoning".
Operant conditioning is a technique for discovering that happens through prizes and disciplines for conduct. Through operant conditioning , an individual makes a relationship between a specific conduct and an outcome.
Operant conditioning depends on a genuinely basic preface - activities that are trailed by fortification will be reinforced and more inclined to happen again later on. In the event that you recount an entertaining story in class and everyone snickers, you will presumably probably recount that story again later on.