Answer and Explanation:
"The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" was published in 1990 and features a girl from the high who rebels and participates in a very dangerous adventure in a ship.
Charlote represents the social role that was expected of women of the time, she was repressed to be fragile, naive, well behaved and modest, however, she finds herself in the midst of dangerous plots involving episodes of violence, death and fights. Charlott, then, represents a release from the social oppression that women were subjected to, when she participates in all these moments, being an essential character for the resolution of these conflicts. In other words, we can show that Charlotte was only able to show herself and be comfortable with her own existence when she broke the social standard expected for her. This reveals that women would only discover their true potentials once they rebelled against the repression they suffered.
The answer would be thete are not enough of them
The answer is: ________________________________________________ [D]: "The chef chopped the carrots standing at the counter."_________________________________________________________The confusing issue is whether:
1) Was the chef standing at the counter WHILE s/he chopped the carrots? ;
2) Did the chef chop the carrots that happened to be at the counter (as opposed to some other carrots that were elsewhere)? . ___________________________________________________________
Doll collection can be a very expensive hobby in my opinion would make the best topic statement, it leaves the mind wondering and is intriguing and doesn't state facts right off the bat.
The function of the commas in this sentance is to seperate the thoughts, one being "Isn't it fanciful notion that any adult could actually understand teenager's mind?" and "As our parents always said"
Parenthesis could be used instead of the commas.