Hey there!
While logging out an email remember follwing steps;
- Go to email and choose account to be removed.
- Click on manage accounts.
- Your email will be there, click on it.
- Then click remove account.
[ You can also go to setting and click on account and then choose google account and click on it and remove it.]
This probably means removing account only but not logging out but works lije that only and when you need it you can again open it, like logging out and logging in.
<em><u>Hope</u></em><em><u> </u></em><em><u>it helps</u></em><em><u>.</u></em><em><u>.</u></em><em><u>.</u></em>
I think is None of this ,
Think of some ideas of how their gonna create the new spaceship
Because I'm Smort (typo intended)
The correct option to the following question is CDO(Collateralized Debt Obligation).
CDO(collateralized debt obligations), is the financial tool that is used by the banks to repackage the individual loans into the product sold to the investors on secondary markets.
It developed as the instruments for corporate debts markets, after the year 2002, CDO became the vehicles for refinancing the mortgage backed the securities.
A CDO is the type of the structured asset backed security.
It can be written with means /16 which is class b subnet mask so as 254 is in the third octet which means /23 so you can write it as /23.