TRUE - Main Content should be created with time, effort, and expertise, and should not be copied from another source.
True -High quality Main Content (MC) allows the page to achieve its purpose well.
Web design and development is the creation of web pages.web pages can be static or links to multiple pages. A static web page has only one page and a site address. Multiple web pages, are series of related web pages linked together with a link tag line of code.
In a web page, a main content is the main information needed to be passed across by the programmer or blogger, it varies from page to page in a multiple web site. It must be unique and contain the main information of the web page.
You are probably blocked from that website or your schools program blocks that website from your device
You have add more for anyone to be able to answer this, sorry
Question options:
State Machine
Global Exception Handler
Uipath is an RPA(Robotic process automation) software that is used by IT professionals and business executives in automating routine or iterative tasks in an organization. Uipath process projects incorporate different workflow types which include :sequence, flowchart, state machine and global exception handler. The sequence workflow type is used for simple linear projects that are not very complex and occupies a single activity block.